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Goals of

Occupational Therapy

Now that you have an idea of what occupation is and how it interacts with the person and environment, the next question is: What are the goals OT aims to achieve?

Health and Wellbeing

Promoting the health and wellbeing of a client is at the core of OT. It isn't just about being free of diseases, sickness or disabilities. Health and wellbeing should always be considered holistically to encompass the physical, mental and social aspects (World Health Organisation, 1946).

From ‘Doing’ to ‘Participating’

Each person is unique. The daily activities we engage in not only give meaning to our lives, but also define us and the different roles we hold. Apart from just 'doing' a task or activity, it's important for clients to be able to meaningfully participate and engage in it, in order to achieve satisfaction in their life roles (Christiansen et al., 2015). 


What exactly do occupational therapists do?

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