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Person, Occupation, Environment

Now that we know occupation refers to the activities we do, think back on some occupations you’ve taken part in school, like your CCAs. What motivated you to choose the club? How did the school surroundings facilitate those activities?

Every day, the activities we perform are constantly influenced by our surroundings, ourselves as an individual, and our life roles. Hence OT requires looking into the three areas:  person, environment and occupation.



Where occupation takes place. Includes physical, social and cultural environments, and can affect a person positively or negatively.

E.g.: Home layout, supportive family


Holistic view unique to each individual. Includes their personal values, skills and physical condition.

E.g.: Motivations, interests, physical limitations from disability


Activities we do.

Includes both productive and leisure activities.

E.g.: Exercising, writing, bathing

Ultimately, our goal as an occupational therapist is to enable a closer fit between these factors through interventions. The closer the fit, the more they are seen to be interacting in unison, which helps maximise an individual’s participation in their everyday activities.


(Law et al., 1996)


What are the goals of OT?

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